Open Application

  • Forschungsthema:Various
  • Zusatzfeld:

    We offer thesis topics in various subfields of NLP. If you would like to work in a particular direction but do not see a concrete open topic, feel free to submit an open application. We are happy to customize a thesis topic for you.


    Please include your transcript and a short description of your area of interest when reaching out to the contact person.

  • Automatic speech recognition: Zhaolin Li

    Context-aware translation and decoding: Sai Koneru

    Dialog systems: Lukas Hilgert

    Multilingual models and transfer learning: Danni Liu

    Multimodality: Maike Züfle & Supriti Sinhamahapatra

    Quality estimation and evaluation: Tu Anh Dinh


    Other topics: Jan Niehues