Logo RealWorldLab robotics AI

RealWorldLab robotics AI

  • Contact:

    Lukas Hilgert, Jan Niehues

  • Project Group:

    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • Funding:

    Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg as part of the state's "digital@bw" digitization strategy

  • Partner:

    Prof. Tamim Asfour (KIT-IAR-H2T, coordinator)

    Prof. Armin Grunwald & Dr. Linda Nierling (KIT-ITAS)

    Prof. Alex Waibel (KIT-IAR-ISL)

    Prof. Ingrid Ott (KIT-ECON)

    Monika Landgraf (KIT)

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


At the KIT RealWorldLab robotics AI, humanoid robots as embodied artificial intelligence (AI) meet their potential future users. Humanoid robots at various locations in public space - from daycare centers and schools to museums, public libraries, and hospitals - are to make artificial intelligence tangible for humans. In diverse experiments, both a broad sensitization for AI technology is to be achieved and new insights for the research and development of future AI robots are to be gained.

Here, society and science come together at eye level. Through a bidirectional exchange of knowledge and experience between society and science, insights are to be gained to develop robotic AI systems that people need and want. Therefore, concrete applications of robotic AI in practice are developed with civil society actors and their opportunities, but also their risks are explored, with the goal of making the potentials of robotic AI directly tangible and graspable for our society but also demystifying them.